Ricky wrote:
> First all hello the wonder world of Linux....I purchased your wonderful CD
> from my local Hastings and wound have bought secure server but they were
> out... I am currently in great need and hope this does not generate any
> flames....Please I am 63 hours  new in the Linux world and really need some
> help form someone with knowledge and time to help me......I got the
> installation installed and was running, except the video card.. I have a
> Quantum 3d raven AGP, and really need help on how to set it up...I get this
> HUGE screen when I am running Xconfigurator at the end when it ask if you
> can see this or not... please any help in order to get this up and running
> would be nice remember I do not know how to update any Linux I just left the
> Windows world behind hoping the Linux community would embrace my ignore and
> help educate me...

Try running xf86config, it seems to work better for some people.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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