You mean telnet isnt a part of the 6.0 upgrade?

Steve Philp wrote:
> DJ wrote:
> >
> > Hello all
> >
> >  It looks as if i missed something when i upgraded from 5.3 to 6.0 !!:)
> > I can no longer telnet in? I get an error in /var/log/secure of a
> > missing /usr/sbin/in.telnetd and sure enough it isnt there!:) How do i
> > create it or what new file do i point /etc/inetd.conf to?
> Install the telnet package:
>         rpm -Uvh telnet-<blah>.rpm
> Then restart inetd:
>         killall -HUP inetd
>                 or
>         /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet restart
> --
> Steve Philp
> Network Administrator
> Advance Packaging Corporation

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