On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> ftape is a driver package, It's part of the LM6.0 dist. 
> I have a colorado jumbo 350 at home and I'm also having trouble getting 
> it to work (clams /dev/ftape is not a device in the /dev, but it is). I've not
> taken any  time to figure it out though. I'll look into this tonight and see
> what I can come up with.
My *guess* is that /dev/ftape didn't get hardlinked to /dev/fd1 or
whatever. That's the sort of conflicting error message you'll get
in a situation like that.... I had a similar problem when my CD Rom
was set up in Red Hat 6. It was on /dev/hdc, but it didn't appear to
be linked to /dev/cdrom.

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