I dont know about you guys, but using Netscape 4.61 and using MS IE5 I would take
Netscape any day of the week. I always get invalad JavaScript errors on it, and the
Ffunny thing is that Netscape and Sun did JavaScript. MS didnt. That tells me, IE is an
inferior browser. it is telling you that it is wrong because its daddy...Bill Gates
didnt write it? Come on. I used them both and Netscape is faster, nicer, and easier to
operate and browse. I have a 500k Cable modem and the web browsing on Netscape is twice
as fast then IE is. I just thought I woule put my 2 cents in.

Not currently running Linux, but really wanting to........

Justin Fisher wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
> > On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, Art Rowe wrote:
> >
> > > Microsoft bashing is fun, as it was when I was trying OS2, but MS Explorer is a
> > > good program.
> >
> Yes i agree, MS did do a decent job on their browser from a functionality
> standpoint.  This is a major area where Linux is lacking a bit.. But i
> think in time you will see a decent non-bloated browser (maybe) on linux..
> i certainly hope so.
> Fish.
> > Until an attachment (aka e-mail virus) or some Active-X control on
> > a website destroys the content of your harddisk, maybe.
> > Even if you're on Windoze, using a different browser is safer as far as
> > attacks are concerned.
> >
> > LLaP
> > bero
> >
> >

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