I too have the CMI8330 soundcard, detected and wresteled for days trying to
get it to work. I have had no luck either. When I posted here, no one
answered. I don't know if that's because no one knew what to do or had tried
the card. I'll let you know if I conquer this, but so far, even the Internet
Linux support groups have been quiet on advice....


Santiago Iturriaga wrote:

> Hi, I've got a CMI8330 SoundCard, the one that comes with the M747
> motherboard.
> sndconfig can detect it but can't configuire it, so it tried in manual
> mode....
> but I don't know nothing about the card, windows tells me that I've a WSS
> in: Address 530 and 388, IRQ 11, and DMA 0, I tried that in the sndconfig
> but don't detect it....
> if someone knows something about this soundcard please let me know...
> Santiago
> PD sorry for my english...

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