I was one of the one's suggesting to edit your fstab file.  I'm not sure
if this will answer your problem but I'll list my entries in fstab as
they pertain to my dos partions.  That might give you some ideas for
your own.

/dev/hda1       /mnt/drive-c    vfat     exec,dev,nosuid,rw,conv=auto 1 0
/dev/hda6       /mnt/drive-e    vfat     exec,dev,nosuid,rw,conv=auto 1 0
/dev/hda7       /mnt/drive-f    vfat     exec,dev,nosuid,rw,conv=auto 1 0
/dev/hda8       /mnt/drive-g    vfat     exec,dev,nosuid,rw,conv=auto 1 0
/dev/hda9       /mnt/drive-h    vfat     exec,dev,nosuid,rw,conv=auto 1 0
/dev/hdc1       /mnt/drive-d    vfat     exec,dev,nosuid,rw,conv=auto 1 0

The first 3 columns are self explanatory at this point I think.  I will
explain my rationale for what I've entered in the options column and the
last two.

exec      = acknowledges executables (can get you into trouble if the
            file you are trying to execute is not a Linux executable,
            using 'noexec' here avoids any problems)
dev       = allows access to device nodes (can get you into trouble,
            probably better to have 'nodev' as the option here
nosuid    = disallows the setting of the set userID and set groupID file
            mode bits
rw        = partition is read/write
conv=auto = automatic conversion of DOS CR/LF to UNIX LF and vice-versa
            when transfering text files from one file system to the

Note: Using 'defaults' in the options sets the following options:


To find out more about what options are available to you and what they
mean read the man page for mount.  Anything you can use with the -o
switch in mount can be used here.

In regards to your problem with NFS, if you're not sharing the files on
this computer with another computer, or sharing files from another
computer uninstall NFS.  You don't need it to access DOS files that
already are contained in other partitions on your machine.  It is for
sharing files over the network.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimization: The speed of a nonworking program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Hoeller
> Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 7:11 AM
> To: Newbie
> Subject: [newbie] NFS Problem
> I recently asked how to access my Win98 partition and was told to edit
> /etc/fstab. and add something similar to toe following:
> /dev/hda1    /mnt/dos    vfat    defaults
> I did this and after rebooting I could access my Win98 files
> but when Linux
> boots I get a msg saying share/config/kdmrc file can't be
> read or no such
> file.. and /var/nfs/xtab failed.
> On shutdown I get a msg saying that NFS mountd Failed.
> Everything seems to be working OK, I can still access my
> files in a read
> only mode and I can't see any other problems. Should I ignore
> these msg's or
> correct them? If I correct them how do I go about doing so?
> Bob

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