The way that trojans work is connect to a port of your computer and
through your ip try to do whatever the trojan allows them too.  I am talking
about trojans like Back Orifice and Netbus and many others that are very
similar.  I assume that if you have a trojan in your computer in the windows
partition its not going to affect your linux partition for various reasons.
1.  Many trojans are made having windows in mind (place their .exe in the
registry) so that means that the trojan is not going to get activated when
you start linux since the command that says to the computer start file
trojan.exe or whatever is never going to be executed.
2.  Even if the trojan is capable of infecting in both os environments
(windows and linux) you will have to run it through your linux
machine...thus installing it effectively in your linux partition.  In that
case windows would not be affected.

Of course all of this is based on the knowledge I have right now.  Maybe
there is a trojan out there that infects both os being run in either


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Hendrick
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 1999 8:27 PM
Subject: [newbie] AV Progs?

Does anyone think it is neccesary to use AV programs for Linux?
If a Trojan is installed on my Windows partition, can people still access my
PC when I'm using Linux?  Or are trojans boot virii so wont run unless I

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

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