A couple of things you might try.  As root, save your E-mail addresses
in a file. Then copy them to your "/home/<user>/.netscape" file.  Then
do a "chown" to change the owner to "<user>" and possibly do a "chmod
+rw" to make sure anyone can read the file.

Hope this helps.

Murray Strome

harry ellis wrote:
> I sent myself a copy of my email addresses in a letter from my Win98 computer to
> my Linux computer. I'm pretty sure that when I was root I could click on these
> addresses while in Netscape and easily transfer them to the Netscape address
> book. Anyway, my address book is fine in Linux root.
> But now, in my non-root access, I
> can't find any way to get them to jump to the address book from a similar
> letter. I don't know if I'm missing something or the new Netscape 4.61 I
> downloaded has a problem with this.
> Does this sound familiar to anyone?
> Harry

Murray and Diane Strome
1275 Burnside Road West
Phone: (250) 479-6448
Fax:   (250) 727-3427

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