On Mon, 06 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Hello,
>     I don't wanna talk about power failure anymore, there are
> a lot of things that i want to ask beside that.
>     I'm using Kppp for dialer, & i have connected to my ISP.
> i try to receive email using netscape, there are 27 email,
> but i it stuck until 5 email that have been downloaded.
> it's only about two second work. I try to receive again,
> but only the 5 email can be downloaded.
> I try to browse(using netscape) to Netscape home, altavista, 
> and several website in my country but stop in only 2 second.
> Same as if i using KFM.
Hmm...this sounds like it may be a DNS problem. What does your
/etc/resolv.conf look like? 
If it were just the email, I'd say you have a message that's just too
big to download. Maybe someone else will have a better idea what the
problem might be...

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