I have a 300 celeron running at 464 @2.0 volts.. Both Linux and Win98 love
it.. and so do I. Never had any problems and system runs 24/365. It is much
faster then the AMD 475... I have both and perfer the Celeron's speed.

> Overclocking a Celeron - I know a lot has been written about this in a lot
> of places but 1 quick question - I know overclocking voids the Intel
> warranty (in fact I think running dual-Celerons voids the warranty also -
> might have read that on Slashdot) but can it actually fry the CPU, or does
> it just make the system unstable?  I have also read (RedHat site perhaps?)
> that Linux does not take kindly to overclocked systems because it has a
> faster kernal and therefore more susceptible to system timing problems.
> this still true?
> Some of you mentioned that SCSI gives a much higher performance than IDE,
> especially when dealing with multiple requests.  IF I have 4 IDE devices
> 4 separate channels (as opposed to two), can Linux make a request to each
> device concurrently?  How does this differ from the way SCSI makes
> to drives?
> For PBen - SLab runs on Linux.  Have a look at
> http://www.llornkcor.com/SLab/SLab.html  As the web site says it takes a
> to learn.  I am still very much in the learning stage at the moment.  I
> a month off work so I can sit down and learn.
> Aaron deRozario

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