On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 16:03, D. Olson wrote:
> That's fine. You are entitled to your opinions. And so am I. And as you know, 
> my opinion is that people are stupid.
> I know people that KNOW that Linux is much better than Windows, that OSS is 
> better than proprietary crap, and so on. Do they use the better stuff? No. 
> They try it, then they go back to Windows, because "I don't want to configure 
> my scanner" or "I can't play Tribes 2" both of which have workarounds... They 
> laugh at me because I "talk about Linux too much."  I tell them all the evil 
> shit that MS is doing, and they don't care... The VERY sad part about it is 
> that we are all in a CNET course, almost done, and this is going to play a 
> major part of our future... Maybe it's just me, but I think that they are 
> stupid. They aren't ignorant, as ignorant implies that they don't know which 
> is better. They don't have very valid reasons for going back to Windows, 
> which isn't because they learned that Linux sucks, but because they are 
> lazy/cheap/stupid... 

This is kinda scary cause I get the impression that this email somehow
crossed the boundaries of a parallel universe, and I have an alternate
self over there relating his experiences.  Real spooky...cause I have
exactly the same experiences and conclusions as you do; right down to
the Mandrake erasure thing "for more space."

Now...on the content of your message.  I'm compelled to respond because
I agree with your conclusions and I understand what you are saying. 
I've had an identical experience with someone that is technically
capable, but yet makes a conscious adult decision to further the cause
of M$ by continuing to use XP.  When he KNOWS that he can get the same
functionality in Mandrake, and more stability, and NOT be in the
position of promoting a negative social force.  Hell, I installed it for
him, for pete's sake....played Diablo 2 in front of him for 30 minutes,
after a protracted argument about the problems with command lines and
clueless users; neither of which are valid rebuttals since the advent of
Mandrake Linux.

The conclusion I reluctantly arrived at was that proving somebody wrong
does not necessarily obliviate their need to continue being wrong.

As for an examination of this person's motivations, I think that his ego
dictates that he be able to look and feel (feel is important here)
*competent* to both himself and those around him.  For some static
individuals who cut their teeth on Winblows, this is the only way they
can maintain their fiction; their illusion.  For some, as long as they
don't *feel* competent in a certain bailiwick, they won't stay

To me, stupidity is the act of making a conscious adult choice to do the
wrong thing; and although we have alot of winblows users that got there
by accident and stay there by accident, we also have alot of informed
"experts" that decide to stay there and promote it simply because they
lack the balls to advance their status quo, or the world's status quo.
Now that's stupidity.

> I offered to configure the scanner for the guy, and I 
> don't expect everyone to just know Linux stuff off the bat... That's not what 
> I am saying. But this guy knows all about it, he's good on the command line, 
> he was using it for about 2 months with no Windows... But now he's back to 
> Win2K... Another guy makes jokes about "freeing up space" on his hard drive 
> by deleting Mandrake... It isn't a very funny joke, but a stupid joke. And I 
> could go on and on and on, but the point is, people are still stupid.
> In relation to this topic, the new Microsoft crap, no matter how informed 
> people are, they are STILL going to buy the CPUs, they are STILL going to buy 
> Longhorn, they are STILL going to buy Clippy -er, Office I mean, they are 
> STILL going to write Linux off as a "geeks-only" OS.
> I hope that this changes, but as you can tell, I don't have faith in people 
> at all.
> I don't mean to offend anyone by saying people are dumb or stupid, so PLEASE, 

I'm not because I understand what you are getting at.

> I just mean, that in my experience, people will find out truths and continue 
> to ignore the facts. That's how it is.
> Face it, if you are on this list, you are an enlightened person. Not ONLY 
> people on this list, but you are some of them.
> Now, please, don't start attacking me.
> This is not a censored list (apparently) and I am free to express my opinions 
> however I want. And I am willing to bet that how I have expressed them above 
> is going to be misinterpreted, as that's what often happens to me via text 
> messaging.

I would strongly suggest that you continue your expression here because
your experiences and conclusions have intrinsic value.

Keep on truckin,


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk     Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdk    Evolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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