On Tue, 07 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> You know, you're right.  I read that post (after it got to the list of 
> course) and said to myself "THAT'S going to generate more crap than 
> John's post!!"
> I apologize for the tone, but not the idea.  It's a soapbox issue of 
> mine.
> It is, however, sadly true that we (Americans) are an arrogant bunch, 
> and largely uneducated about the world outside of the US and Tourist 
> Towns.
I did not intend to come across as an "arrogant American."
My intent/point was to say that a UPS is, possibly, MORE
necessary in a devloping country than in the US which has a
relatively stable power grid.

Not even Windows 9x is going to be "happy" with being shut
down "improperly" by an unexpected power failure (then
again, is there such a thing as an EXPECTED power failure

I did not realize that the standard of living was as low as
it is in Indonesia. Were there some assurance that it would
be possible to get the UPS to the gentleman in question,
I'd be more than happy to chip in $10 or 15 towards the
purchase of a UPS for the original person. However, as
someone else pointed out, there's no guarantee it would get
to him.

I sure hope he gets his problems worked out!

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