Title: New to Linux


     I'm new to the Linux world and I've been trying to get used to it. I like the capabilities that it offers. I bought Mandrake 8.2, because I didn't know anything and it said it was easy to install. Which is was. My question is... How do I install software onto my computer? I've tried downloading BTERM, because I need a good telnet session for my work. Once it was been downloaded, I found it on my Desktop (file system), not ( Desktop ), but I couldn't get it to do anything. Probally because lack of understanding, but it's frustrating.

Is there software (drivers) for DVD's. The computer I am currently using has this and I would like to use it if possible.

One last question. Mandrake included a lot of Installation sources and commercial software. How do I know what to install ( not knowing the naming convention that is given to all the RPM's ) and once it is installed, how do I find it? I installed what was said to be Common C++, but I can't find it.

Please help.

Thank you for your time.

Vaughn E. Harrigan                                 

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