I'm still struggling along with my Canon BJC-2000. After first believing
it simply must be a winprinter, I planned to sell it to a friend.
Researching what new printer to get, I checked the database at
http://www.picante.com/~gtaylor/pht/printer_list.cgi and saw that the
BJC-2000 is listed as "mostly" compatible, so I'm trying to get it to work
at least a little.

I have it set up properly in printtool, according to the info from the
compatibility database: set to the proper device (/dev/lp0) and using the
correct driver (600-4000). However, when I try to print test pages, I get
nothing: Trying to print text gets me an immediate error message saying:

        Error printing test page to lp
        Reason: lpr: connect: Connection refused
        jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.

What is that telling me? How do I fix it? The other test, postscript,
doesn't get errors from printtool, but klpq tells me 'waiting for lp to
become ready (offline ?)' - but I think the printer's online (silly new
printers don't have control panels) and that error's related to the lpr

I try to run lpr at the shell prompt, and get the same lpr error as above.
I'm puzzled. Also, a note that may be important: I can't use lpc, either.
I can get an lpc> prompt, but trying to make it actually do anything dumps
me out with a segmentation fault. If I run 'lpc start lp' I get an error
similar to the above, saying "lpc: connect: Connection refused. Couldn't
start daemon."

I have the feeling that there's something blocking the route to the
printer somehow, but I don't really know where to begin unblocking it. Can
anybody help?

- alan

/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

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