I think the problems are defects in Venus with the Kernal and initscripts so
I don't think buying another copy of Venus is the answer.  I just want to
get the machine up and running fixed so I can just do work not work on it.
Anyway I am still a new user, and not really confident to replace kernal at
this time.  Anyway at this point it is gone again.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Basham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More Mandrake Woe, PLEASE HELP ME

> I've listened to Jeanette's accounts of success and failure for some time,
> I just wanted to put my 2 cents in:
> I nabbed my copy of Venus at Sam's Club, of all places, for $25.  I
> crashed, installed, crashed, oh, about 20 times, usually my fault, because
> like to muck around where I don't belong.  What I've found is that
> everything installs right; sometimes it doesn't.  The package manager is
> consistent; KDE freezes in root, but over-all, I haven't had this much fun
> an OS in a long time. Finally got everything running pretty much the way I
> -- ipchains, dial-on demand, web server, FTP, user accounts, and haven't
> trouble in a couple of weeks.
> While Jeanette is waiting for a better (Cassini?) package, I would suggest
> running down to Sam's to get another copy of Venus (maybe you Do have a
> copy).  Try installing again. At the first sign of instability, install
> Try custom installs.  Try minimal installs.  Etc.  At the very least,
> get really good at the installation procedure.
> I think I remember Jeanette saying that she didn't want to spend her time
> tweeking a stupid machine, but if it's any consolation, it gets easier and
> somehow faster each time, much like installing any other OS.  I think I'm
> learning where I don't belong, and what "close enough" means.

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