On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Gustavo Viola wrote:
> If Ken´s suggestion does not work (I believe it should), check if you´re
> using EZ-Bios (software with bios extensions from Western Digital, that
> allows old bios to recognize bigger hard drives -- it is NOT
> Linux-compatible, only for Win95 or 98 -- [to see if you´re using it,
> EZ-Bios shows at boot a message like this: "loading ez-bios extensions"] ).
> I ran into that problem when installing Mandrake over the weekend, and found
> no solution to it -- or else, now I use hard drive "drawers" to decide which
> OS I am going to use, I love that, it´s cool. :-)
> Gustavo Viola

--Hi Gustavo, 
No EZ-Bios here, although thats an interesting point as I've used it before on
some Win32 installs I've done on older machines. We actually have  somewhat of
a love hate relationship. I'm curious about this Disk Drawers thing however.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**The pesimist sees the glass as
  half empty.
  The optimist sees it as half full,
  but to the engineer
  it's just too big.**

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