On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 19:18:09 -0400
Todd Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 23:33:14 +0800
> Stormjumper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip> 
> > 2. squirrelmail is extremely easy to install and configure.
> <snip>
> I tried squirrelmail a few months ago with courier imap and kept
> getting an error (permission denied?) when trying to read mail for my
> local accountl. I didn't pursue it since I was just playing and prefer
> to check my mail with mutt via secure shell when I'm away from home.
> Did you have a Mandrake rpm for it, or did you compile it yourself?
> Any other "gotchas" with squirrelmail?
> Todd

hi Todd,

squirrelmail wasn't available on the Mandrake CDs,
so i searched rpmfind and used the newest Cooker rpms,
which at that time was squirrelmail-1.2.7-5mdk.

if you got permission denied, it sounds like your web
directory permissions are not properly set.
the minimum permission are 711 for directories and 644 for files.
php scripts do not need to be executable.

a possible gotcha is directories leading to apache
document root must all be 711 at least,
not just the ones containing your web files.

make sure that normal web (.html) files are accessible
in whatever directory that you put squirrelmail in.

next, afaik, squirrelmail doesn't really care 
where your mail are kept, they just access your
mail thru imap, like any email client,
then translate it to a web based layout.

so you might want to try accessing you imap server
thru an email client, eg kmail or sylpheed,
to make sure courier works.

next, make sure your config file in 
contains the correct values for 
and     $imapServerType.
for the latter, my default was the abbreviation 
for university of washington imap server.
i changed it to
        $imapServerType = 'courier';

lastly, squirrelmail depends on a working php installation.
i'm assuming that you've already installed and tested
apache with a simple php file, and they all work.

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