i too have had these problems.  every package i installed when i first
installed mandrake has the docs.  packages i have installed since then
have the doc directories built, but they are empty.  i have only used
kpackage for installation, so i wonder if there is a bug?


"R. David Whitlock" wrote:
> Ok, second question:
> I recently downloaded the SSH package available from one of the sites
> linked off the mandrake web page.  I used Kpackage to open and install the
> rpm, and everything worked successfully, as far as the program goes and
> all.  However, when I look at the installed package for ssh, under
> Applications>Internet>SSH, at the file list, I see many files listed which
> are NOT installed, namely all of the documentation.  All files have a
> green check next to them, the package installed correctly, and all the
> directories referred to were created, but none of the man pages, or files
> under /usr/doc/ssh-1.1.27/ are there (this is a blank directory!).
> Did I do something wrong, or is it that the files were somehow omitted?
> If so, why do they show up in kpackage's list as there?
> Thanks,
>  David

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