On Thursday 22 Aug 2002 4:44 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello, I am a linux newbie, and I am very interested in learning linux. I
> downloaded Linux 8.2, and i tried installing it but it has about 5 errors
> while installing the packages. Installation went through fine, and the
> packages didnt seem to cause much effect. When I rebooted my PC after
> installing linux 8.2, the boot screen came up in which i chose linux (by
> the way i have linux and windows on a dual boot. Windows 20 gigs, and linux
> 18 gigs). I was on mandrakes tutorial from the site, and I saw that after
> installation it started talking about the "first time wizard", and stuff...
> Which seems to be the linux desktop. When i rebooted. It made me go into
> the linux console, and i donnot know how to get to the linux-like desktop.
> It keeps putting me in the dos-like area which someone said was the
> console. I typed startx as someone instructed me to do from an IRC help
> channel. It said that there was an error... and it didnt run startx. It
> said errno2, and also had errno3. Directory not found or something. Im not
> sure whether this is happening because of the installation package errors
> or something. Anyways I went back to irc help channel, and i stated this
> problem. They told me that linux would boot into the desktop if my video
> was ok. I told them i had a nvidia video card, and they told me to update
> the drivers for it... I donno what to do. Im not sure if its the drivers or
> not. I am running A 1003 mhz computer (about 1ghz) with AMD athlon
> processor (T-BIRD).  I have 38.9 GB of HDD, and 256MB of RAM. Also, I was
> wondering if Mandrake 9.0 would be better for me to install... I always
> like to have the most upgraded version. However im not sure if its buggy...
> I would love to have 9.0 but i want to make sure i wont have tons of
> errors.. I know it is in beta right now. If you think Mandrake 9.0 doesnt
> have many bugs or errors, and it would be a better upgrade then 8.2, please
> tell me. I have alot of things I would like information on, so I would like
> if a supporter could spend some time to help. I went through some linux
> tutorials but xtra help is always good. First i need to get out of the
> console :). Also... I was wondering if i could get AOL to run on linux.. Ok
> I know AOL Lamers... bla bla bla, but its the only thing i got :(, And
> please dont laugh at me. I was thinkking WINE, or win4lin could do the
> job... Could it? Please help me with the installation process... and how to
> make everything work correctly. My computer is about 1 year old, and i
> shouldnt have much problem. Please email me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  as I
> would appreciate it very much. Ive never used this post thing, so im not
> sure if this will come out in like a message board, but if it does respond
> to my email please instead of the post. Once again my email is:
> I would appreciate any help I could get on installing Mandrake linux :)

Sorry to hear you had problems. Here are some thoughts.

1/ Plz try to avoid using html mails when posting to a list. It is generally 
regarded as 'evil'. Your font comes out really tiny on my screen, and some 
people cannot receive html at all. (Your Outlook express has a setting to 
disable Html)

2/Your errors when installing packages is almost certainly the reason you 
cannot enter the graphical environment. If you downloaded your CDs try doing 
it again, and check the MD5 checksum of the download before committing to CD.

3/ You can use AOL with Linux. Check out 
I do believe Wine will workOk, but only with a very old version of AOL. 
Win4Lin is probably OK.

4/ Do not worry about your Nvidia drivers yet. You will need them for OpenGL 
games, but for normal use the default OpenSource drivers work just fine. Wait 
until you know what you are doing before installing the nvidia driver.

5/ Do not even think about 9.0 just yet.  As with all Beta releases it still 
has plenty of faults in it. Mandrake 8.2 is a very advanced distro, and is 
very stable.


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