I'd disagree witht that..
NTFS is FAR better a filesystem then Fat32.. and much more secure...
Its just not writable to linux... (yet)
So, the solution is simple..
1. NTFS XP partition.
2. Linux Swap.
3. Linux main (or split that up more.)
4. Fat32 partition.. big enough to store all docs and such that you want access to in both win and lin.
that way you get the best of all worlds...
I have done it this way on all my installs...
As an added speedup, get a 10 gig ATA100 or 133 drive, and make 2 partitions on it, about 300 MB each.. format one of them as linux swap and the other as FAT 32.
then in XP set your swapfile onto the fat partition and the linux should use the swap partition on this one..
that way if you need swap in either enviroment, its not trying to use the same drive as its reading from...
that tip will work even better in SCSI or the forthcomming Serial ATA setup... but it does help even with normal IDE.
the rest of that drive you could partition as you will...
by having XP's swap in its own partition, you get extra speed and far less fragmentation of the swap file. (usually called pagefile.sys)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alex K
Sent: Saturday, 21 September 2002 10:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] XP professional


I think you should keep your primary partition FAT32. You put in this one Windows and let other os's like Linux to access it.

I have a similar situation in which I installed SUSE 73 when C: was FAT32 but afterwards I convert it to NTFS after installing XP Professional and I am not quite sure if I am reinstalling LILO now if I'll loose my ability to boot the both os's...

So be careful. Better ask in this mailing list several times wait for answer and then proceed.

Good luck,



Hello guys. This is not too much realted to linux but I thought someone could help. I deleted Mandrake Linux 8.2 ( I finally got it installed because i bought the CD's from ebay). I bought Windows XP professional, and im not sure whether to put XP pro on an NTFS file system, or FAT32. Which is better? I want something that can compatible with all programs and software. Whats the difference between FAT32, and NTFS. After I get Win XP running, I will install linux again.

Ps. When I was playing around with linux, KDE keeps freezing on me sometimes. I donno why this happens

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