On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 18:11, Poogle wrote:

> I am trying to reply to an e mail from a friend but I get the following 
> bounce message:-
> Final-Recipient: RFC822; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Action: failed
> Status: 5.1.1
> Remote-MTA: dns; freemail.asda.gr (
> Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.0.0 Spaming or open relays not allowed.
> This comes from my ISP (NTL broadband in the UK)
> The part that confuses me is the reference to open relays, how can I check 
> this and resolve it if necessary ?

I've had endless trouble (as a listmaster) in the past with NTL email
subscribers, although I haven't seen this sort of problem for a few
months :(

The usual meaning of 'open relay' is that someone logged in at a.com is
trying to send an email to someone at c.com via a SMTP server at b.com
(rather than a.com); this can be used for dubious purposes, as it makes
the message appear to come from b.com rather than a.com, and is usually
blocked by b.com with the type of message you see being returned.

asda.gr seems to think that you, at ntlworld.com, are using asda.gr
(rather than ntlworld.com) as the downstream SMTP server. From previous
experience, this is because NTL is trying to be clever (for obscure
reasons best known to itself) and rewrite email headers ...

Unfortunately there's no obvious cure apart from resending until it
works; I've had arguments in the past trying to get NTL to just handle
email as it is.


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