Stephan Rex wrote:
> Click on the home icon on desktop
> select browser options from the options menu
> you may have to enable proxy settings
> enter your wingate ftp and http proxy setting
> And you should have it
> good luck
> Steve

I've done that, and still the Update program is unable to connect with
the server to download a list of mirror sites. I checked with Wingate
and they said to set the ftp proxy to port 80, which is what
it is set at. still get the error message saying "fetching mirror list
failed, try again later". My impression is that MandrakeUpdates is not
able to connect to the net, and times itself out. Any other suggestions
would be appreciated.

James Mellema, CRNA MA
The idea that an arbitrary naive human should be able to properly use a
given tool without training or understanding is even more wrong for
computing than it is for other tools (e.g. automobiles, airplanes, guns
or power saws).
(Thanks to Mike Marion - Unix SysAdmin/Engineer, Qualcomm Inc.)

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