On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, James Mellema wrote:

> Stephan Rex wrote:
> > 
> > Click on the home icon on desktop
> > select browser options from the options menu
> > you may have to enable proxy settings
> > enter your wingate ftp and http proxy setting
> > And you should have it
> > 
> > good luck
> > 
> > Steve
> snip
> I've done that, and still the Update program is unable to connect with
> the server to download a list of mirror sites. I checked with Wingate
> and they said to set the ftp proxy to port 80, which is what
> it is set at. still get the error message saying "fetching mirror list
> failed, try again later". My impression is that MandrakeUpdates is not
> able to connect to the net, and times itself out. Any other suggestions
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jim


export FTP_PROXY= && MandrakeUpdate 

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