On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I am sorry.  The development on this chip set should have gone in to
> maintenance mode by now.  I would suggest a log at the change logs and
> see if anything has been added in the last few revisions.  It also
> might be worth looking in the config file to see if there is an option
> for acceleration.  Virge is very common and should be well understood
> by the developers by now.
> Please forgive my over reaction.
> PBen
Quoting Harald Koenig from Xfree86 on the problems *I* have
with the S3 Virge GX: 
"yes, it's known -- but it's neither
_why_ this happens at all nor I'm close to sure that it's a
design/coding bug in the server.

quite some time ago I had similar problems with other ViRGE cards too
(I don't have any ViRGE/GX for testing) and I could track down the
problem to the fact that plain reading from video memory in text mode
(to save text mode fonts at startup) fails and returns
bogus data."

As you can see, it IS a well-known chipset -- buggy, but
well-known. This does NOT appear to be an X problem or a
Linux problem. I have a Virge DX that has a similar problem
in Windows 98. I'm probably going to replace it with
something else (My local computer store has some PCI Matrox
cards on sale! <G>)

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