On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 18:12, Erik Farnsworth wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 10:45, teddy wl wrote:
> > 1.for connecting all your PC you need ethernet card
> > for every PC. configuring the IP address ex.
> > if you do not understand the IP you
> > must read the basic of TCP/IP or i sugestion to you,
> > to enter this address for your PC's :
> > PC 1 : netmask
> > PC 2: netmask same above
> > PC 3: netmask same above
> > PC 4: netmask same above
> > 
> I'm a little confused here.  with the example above (and I admit that I
> have never worked with a home network that included Windows machines)...
> I would expect to see:
> network base address:
> or               netmask:
> PC 1:          
> PC 2:          
> PC 3:          
> PC 4:          
> broadcast address:
> I have seen several examples of networking as stated above by
> Teddy...but don't understand how that setup would be 'legal' (in the
> networking sense) and would work properly.  I would expect a netmask of
> for each of the machines would indicate that each machine
> was authoritative for an entire Class C network.
> I plan to set up my own home network soon (no windows machines, but
> several linux PCs and a mandrake iMac and an OS X iBook)...and I want to
> do it correctly, but without 'overkill'.  Could someone with networking
> experience add a few cents to this, please?
There is no reason why you can't use an entire class C network at home
for your 2,3 or 4 host network, besides, the private address range in
use here is actually a class B ( and there would be no
problem using that either. It would just mean that you have one network
and shit loads (256^2-2) of unique host addresses available.
By using CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing) you ignore the native
class of the network and adjust the mask to suit your requirements of
unique networks/unique hosts. The tighter you make your mask (adding
bits to the default class mask), the more unique networks you have
available, while limiting the amount of unique hosts that you can have
per network.

By the way, your example is incorrect.

A 29 bit mask ( will give you 6 possible hosts with 0
being the network address, 6 hosts, and 7 being the broadcast address.

The way I like to think of it is in lots of 256. 256-248=8, minus 2 for
your network and broadcast addresses and you are left with 6 possible
hosts. 256/8=32, so you would be able to have 32 separate networks with
6 hosts each. There is really no need to go to the trouble of subnetting
to this extent, however, unless you have need for multiple networks.

I hope that my explanation has been understandable :)



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