On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 09:31, joe wrote:
> Stephen, thanks for your input, i managed to get the sdl devel libs
> installed and got a little further..Now the configure is completing, and
> the make is failing. I have put the entire output in this message in
> hopes that someone might be able to help me decipher it.
> This line caught my attention:checking for avifile-config... no 
> Should i be looking for avifile libs or something?
> I thought I had read on an XMMS page that this release of avi-xmms had
> included a statically compiled avifile to deal with avifile problems. 

The points at which you're starting to get the ERROR 1 are where we need
to start looking for the problems - is it safe to assume that you're
already running the "make install" as su ?

Thu Nov 14 10:25:00 EST 2002

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