> Thanks so much for the advice. This setting seems to have done the
> trick.

> The default is 1500/1500.  These are high values that
> will give you optimal throughput with minimal
> overhead, assuming your ISP supports them.  If you
> are getting reasonable throughput with the defaults,
> don't change them.  Many ISPs, however, don't support
> the high linux mtu default value.  I've heard this is
> because a certain widely used less capable OS uses a
> lower value. If your connection seems extraordinarily
> slow, try setting your mtu value to 572.  I got this
> number from a usenet post, and it worked to speed up
> my abysmally slow Mindspring connection immensely.
> --Ian Crosby
> ---Hugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi I wonder if anyone has taking time to adjust there
> > mru or mtu settings? If you have what were the
> settings you used? I have
> > been told not to adjust them by my provider. But I
> read somewhere that
> > they need to be adjusted to get the best speed
> possible from my modem
> >
> > Thanks
> > Hugh
> >
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