First of all, I would like to thank you for all the time you spend to help me.
Then the libghttp1-devel was required in order to rebuilt the rpm. Therefore, I installed all gnome libs and the window-manager.
Then, the reinstallation of the rpm seemed to be successfull. But the problem remains. It's strange. It's a shame, but as cddb is now working, it could be worse ...

John Richard Smith wrote:
Is this a gnome desktop you are working on, because mine is full kde,
with xWindows and the lot. I am also surprized you needed additional libraries,
but then maybe, I ought not to be, it occures to me that I have
the full OS including many developement packages, though not
all , and maybe I have some dependency library installed already
that you require to make the help file be meaningfull. I must
say all these dependency problems in linux are tiresome,
if they are needed , why not include them in the main download ,
saves time and trouble. There has got to be some reason why you don't
get the helpfile, and I and others do. The difference must be either
the choice of OS interface or some package or other that you
have missing.

Check out

I see mention of something called libghttp that sounds like a possible library
help file try putting up package manager and doing a search to see if you
have it. if not download and install it and see what it does. A search
of my OS reveals a certain libghttp1-devel V1.0.9-4mdk. I'm guessing
but I would not be supprised if you don't have it installed, and it
has to be on our CD's somewhere for me to have it installed.

In short , the problem now seems either to be the interface, which
I would not rule out , since manuals, at least good ones,John are a
judicious balance between words and pictures , maybe your desktop
interface lacks something, but first off we need to find out if you
have every possible app package installed. Unfortuneatly linux
is a bit of a headache for newbies as far as dependencies go.
we do not understand the relationships very well, and the way things
are put together it can offten be baffelling try to find out. The website
is the first port of call after thak maybe sourceforge or some place
like that .

villoing wrote:

I just finnish from dowloading the .src.rpmp and I've rebuilt the rpm, installing some gnome library which were needed. Unfortunatly, Any links in the grip help menu is working (grrrrrrr).
What could I do ???
Do I need to use gnome? (I'm currently under window maker)

John Richard Smith wrote:

Well , by virtue of the fact that I definately got a perfectly good help
file manual with mine , yes.

Do you know how to do an src.rpm  compile ?

if not, simple enough,
just ownload the src.rpm file and put it
in a directory all on it's own,

I like to create a new directory,
mkdir /pk

then , cd /pk

rpm  --rebuild  /grip-3.0.3-1.src.rpm

then look in , /usr/src/rpm/rpms/i586
rebuilt package will be there.

villoing wrote:

The first version I installed was 3.0.1, rpm intalled by MK 9.0 cd rom.
The rpm I use to upadate grip yesterday grip-3.0.3-1.i386.rpm.
Should I have intalled the grip-3.0.3-1.src.rpm one ?

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