John Richard Smith wrote:
> Just as a way of final conclusion on the subject of freeserve.
> Their claim that I have too many appliances connected to my one
> telephone line
> and that, they say, is the reason I am being constantly cut off.
> Today I conducted some experiments.
> I disconnected every appliance except for one telephone and one dialup
> modem computer connection.

testing as you have done is a way of finding problems that may occur if
you had all appliances off hook at same time. tho i would doubt that you
would when you are using computer and modem.

a problem that can arise and cause a modem to drop off from line noise
is 'total line resistance'. this resistance builds by each connection,
as well as total line length.

i would suggest that you might try making your computer's telephone line
a direct line. ie, use one unbroken line from telco service entry directly
to modem.

i am very surprised that your telco did not make such a suggestion, instead
of saying that you have too many appliances connected.


peace out.


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