> Hi all, im not sure if this is the proper place for this question but i
> hope someone can help me out. I recently installed Mandrake 6.1 (no not the
> beta) on my computer. and it works fine except for one thing. I recompiled
> my kernel and when i tried to install it using linuxconf it complains that
> /dev/sda1 isnt a valid partition or isnt a linux partiton. That is the
> partition it is installed on so im not sure what to do. I tried to edit the
> /etc/lilo.conf file to add the new kernel, but I do not know where to find
> all the information i need. Specifically the line for "initrd =".  I dont
> know if this is enough information but any help anyone can provide would be
> appreciated, im desperate for an answer. I cant install vmware until i
> recompile because the vmware install script complains about the version of
> kernel headers in the /usr/src/linux/include directory being for
> 2.2.13-7mdk when my kernel is 2.2.13-7mdksmp. im very frustrated. can
> someone please help???

thank you
Ethan Daugherty

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