On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I have a DEC Celebris machine with a built-in ethernet card. I recently
> installed a 3com 3C905 10/100 pci card and disabled the internal one. 
> I found the latest drivers for the card, installed it and everything 
> works perfect. Well, almost. The compile for the driver worked 
> flawlessly. I created the .o file, installed it into the kernel with 
> "insmod", restarted the networking and va-voom; networking works. 
> The problem is that each time I start the machine, I need to run 
> insmod and reload networking. bummer. so, my question is: how do I 
> make the driver change permanent?

Possably by editing /etc/conf.modules and deleting the old entry for
the old ethernet driver and crateing a new one for the 3com.

something like.

alias eth0 3c59x
Or whatever driver you use.

> thanks in advance.
Regards Richard

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