"R. David Whitlock" wrote:
> If that doesn't work, you can always try adding something like the
> following into your rc.local file:
> insmod /lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/misc/uart401.o
> insmod /lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/misc/sb.o io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5
> I have to add these lines because my conf.modules file _refuses_ to load
> the sound drivers in the correct order, so the rc.local file gets executed
> and sticks this in for me...
> It's a hack, but I'm too lazy to really mess with it since it works
> anyway...

It sounds like /lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/modules.dep doesn't have correct
dependency information for the sb.o module.  Try running depmod -c (I
think that's correct, check the depmod manpage) and then check the
resulting modules.dep.  You should see uart401.o listed on the
right-hand side of the ':' for sb.o.

> On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Richard Adams wrote:
> > On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > > I have a DEC Celebris machine with a built-in ethernet card. I recently
> > > installed a 3com 3C905 10/100 pci card and disabled the internal one.
> > > I found the latest drivers for the card, installed it and everything
> > > works perfect. Well, almost. The compile for the driver worked
> > > flawlessly. I created the .o file, installed it into the kernel with
> > > "insmod", restarted the networking and va-voom; networking works.
> > > The problem is that each time I start the machine, I need to run
> > > insmod and reload networking. bummer. so, my question is: how do I
> > > make the driver change permanent?
> >
> > Possably by editing /etc/conf.modules and deleting the old entry for
> > the old ethernet driver and crateing a new one for the 3com.
> >
> > something like.
> >
> > alias eth0 3c59x
> > Or whatever driver you use.
> >
> >
> > > thanks in advance.
> > --
> > Regards Richard
> >
> >

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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