
I've only been using Linux for about a year , but
I have been using a UNIX workstation at work for
about 9 years so I am fairly familiar with the
unix file system.

I just recently installed Linux-Mandrake 6.0
after having Slackware on for around a year.
The installation went well and my configuration
has progressed pretty well.  However I am
having one problem.  My CDROM will mount
when I log on as root but when I log on as user
it will not allow me to mount it.  I am sure it
just a matter of changing a file permission or
some configuration file.  But as of yet I have
not been able to find the right one.  If I could
get some guidance in this I would appreciate it.

I also had some problem with playing music from
the CD when logged on as user, but I tracked that
one down to the 'kscdrc' file in /home/dan/.kde/
share/config directory.  The file had the volume
set to 0.  When I set it to 40 everything worked

Best Regards,


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