On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I added a user called "test"
> with a password of "test"
> when I telnet into the server as user test, I can't change the password (to
> anything!!!)
> errors include:
> BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
> BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
> passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
Passwd's should be no longer the 8 letters no shorter than 5, no
dictionary words, so a passwd like PeT9^G is a valid passwd, and once
logged in there is no reason why that passwd could not be used
without getting errors, on the otherhand use richard and that will
produce all of the above.

Looking at the passwd line below, the system operator did not set a
passwd for "test" to start with, which is a bad thing.

> /etc/passwd...
> test:x:501:510::/home/test:/bin/bash
> I want the user to be able to logon and change their password to anything
> they desire!
> What must I re-configure??? Help!
> Thanks.
Regards Richard

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