On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 07:02, civileme wrote:
> Mandrakesoft is GPL with everything it does except on the commercial
> software disks and the club downloads.

Yes, and these people who are saying otherwise, notably only since recent 
discussions at various websites concerning MandrakeSoft's financial 
problem, is rather annoying.

> If you folk have checked other distros lately, I think you will find that
> few if any are as mature as this one in as many areas.  

Tried RH 7.3 and was not at all impressed.  Dual booting lasted all of 3 

> I might think of
> making my own distro using Mandrake as a base if this one goes bust, but
> switching to any of the others?  Forget it.  I am here cause this one was
> friendly at a personal, technical, and corporate level, and the others
> were decidedly unfriendly at one or more of those levels.

Agreed where RH 7.3 is concerned!

> If you have
> ever asked a question on a RH flame errr... help list, you know very well
> what I mean.

Sure do... no welcome mat at that door.  The users there kinda remind me of 
the dogs I had... very territorial and always scrapping with each other.

> S.u.S.E. is so far from GPL that I would never consider
> them, though they seem evil enough to be propped up by IBM and Intel to
> the tune of more than $45 million (Mandrake needs less than a tenth of
> that).
> And, yes, if I did something to continue the effort the Mandrake folks
> started, I would find some help and create a non-profit scientific,
> educational, and charitable purposes tax exempt corporation and seek
> private foundation funding for the preservation of essential freedoms. 

Cool!  Three cheers for Civileme!  I'd be an avid follower for one and I bet 
plenty of others would too. But I sincerely hope it never comes to that.

> But let's be a little more optimistic for now.  MandrakeClub has 20,000
> members and people are investing to preserve the effort.  Just continue
> what is done.

Yep, keep the support up folks!  I agree with someone on this list when 
referring to the Chapter 11 thing, who said DON'T hold back your support 
until things come right:  it helps to prove to the court that the business 
is still viable.  MandrakeSoft need our support NOW!

> Civileme

And BTW, its nice to see you're still around Civileme.

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