On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 10:14, Derek Jennings wrote:
> Rob
> According to rpmfind.net gnome-libs-1.4.2-2mdk is a Mandrake "Cooker" package.
> Unless you are an experienced Linux user it is unwise to mix Cooker packages 
> with the released distro. That way lies RPM hell. You will find installing 1 
> package requires installing 10 more, and afterwards lots of other packages 
> have stopped working.
> The safe way to install a Cooker package is to download the .src.rpm and 
> recompile it for your system with
> rpm --rebuild blah blah
> In any case IMO gmc is a lousy file manager. Give me Rox Filer (in Contrib on 
> any mirror), or xwc (also in Contrib) any day.  ( That should stir a few 
> flames :)
> derek

If you are brave, Rob, and you're not one to worry about getting your
hands dirty, you can surf to: http://www.ibiblio.org/mc/

This is where I got mine - got the tarball, compiled and installed it,
and used it side by side with Nautilus (and even managed to get PAST
Nauty-Less" in some instances), as well as using it with WindowMaker and

There may be dependencies that you're going to have to chase down, but
overall, it's YOUR linux - customize it how YOU want!

(Was that considered a flame, Derek?) (g)

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Big to little endian conversion error

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