On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 04:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've downloaded corel photo paint 8 from corel site but i can't install it :( I know 
>that i'm a total newbie on linux and all the stuff (make, make install) is still a 
>bit confusing for me.. (although i followed the install instructions)
> Is there a RPM for it?
> As anyone have installed it on mdk 9? Can it work in CMYK? (that's why a can't work 
>with gimp)
> Any ideias?
> Filipe

You should do:

make install

...unless the package is setup differently...

Wed, 29 Jan 2003 08:55:00 +1100
  8:55am  up 1 day, 22:44,  5 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.14, 0.32
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 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

The heroic hours of life do not announce their presence by drum and trumpet,
challenging us to be true to ourselves by appeals to the martial spirit that
keeps the blood at heat.  Some little, unassuming, unobtrusive choice presents
itself before us slyly and craftily, glib and insinuating, in the modest garb
of innocence.  To yield to its blandishments is so easy.  The wrong, it seems,
is venial...  Then it is that you will be summoned to show the courage of
adventurous youth.
                -- Benjamin Cardozo

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