Here is a copy of my reply to Fred Langa.

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Subject: Re: [langalist] LangaList Standard Edition 2003-01-27
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 04:53:03 -0500
From: Dennis & Sue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Fred,
Been a reader for years, I like your newsletter, and your style.
I am replying to your article - Linux vs. XP Bugs.
In it you brought up the point that, It is unfair to compare  bugs in
 products with bugs in the O.S.
If your only concern is a numeric count of bugs, Ok, that's fine, But I would
suggest that what is looking to be studied is  vulnerability of the "typical"
To get a fair / accurate assesment, It occurs to me that what should be
compared is what the "typical" user has, or would have installed. As well as
what the "typical" user uses, or would use.
So it is entirely "fair" to include Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, and
Office, Since a "typical" user would have these installed, and operational.
On the Linux side, From my personal experience, It is "fair" to include
 Kmail, Galeon, Netscape 7, KOffice / Open Office.
Or go with the Gnome desktop and include the equivelant.
Most probably do not use Mozilla, ( Atleast I never do ).
It would not be "fair" to include Server type software - Apache, IIS, etc,
Since the "typical" user does not use, or have installed such products.
To take it one step further though,I suppose such products should be brought
in to the count, If they are installed by default, And not by the user.
Personally, We switched to Linux fulltime from the Microsoft platform 6 -7
months ago. Now running Mandrake 9.0.
My reasons were not strictly based upon "bugs", I understand that it's
difficult at best, or impossible to make a perfect product.
And I am not writing you to "flame" or rave about how Mandrake is perfect,
never fails, configures itself, and does everything except the dishes.
Or that since We've switched, We now have more friends, gotten promotions,
 and huge salaries.
Rather, The main reason We switched to the Linux platform was a lack of
 trust, honesty, and integrity on the part of Microsoft.
We did not like the direction Microsoft chose to go in, And chooses to
continue in.
 Privacy issues,  security issues, vulnerability issues,licensing issues,
monopoly issues, strong arm tactics, and BSA issues all played a role.
Simply put, Microsoft demonstrated to my satisfaction that they did not, want
or need my business.
I've simplified this quite a bit, But I expect you get the point.
I am not offended that you point out Linux has bugs. Indeed it does. I know
that, and actually expected it. But I know this : When I download the patch,
That is what I am getting, That and nothing else.
I am not getting a patch that will possibly open up new and exciting
vulnerabilities, or installing in all probability, a spyware trojan designed
to allow Microsoft unfettered access to my system.
And I am not giving Microsoft the power to deny me the right to use whatever
application I choose.
I am also not giving my money to a company that assumes I am a liar and a
NO software has ever been, or will ever be that good.
Sorry that I got a bit long there Fred, Again keep up the good work.


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