Hey, Cindy:

I caught your post about 'Maximum Linux' and my question is:

Where can it be obtained?

This is the first time I've heard about it.

Aro you a fairly experienced Linux user?

At 09:30 PM 9/23/99 -0700, Cindy Pearce wrote:
>Just thought I would mention that I found the Premiere issue of Maximum
>Linux excellent reading. The article on networking was fantastic, especially
>the part about masquerading. I was able to use it to set up my Mandrake box
>as a gateway and access the net from my two other computers attached to my
>ethernet network. The other two machines are running Windows 98(kids and
>their games)and Windows NT(I use my laptop for work and we use MS Office). I
>can't believe how easy it is to set up! If more people knew they could use
>Linux to do this I think you would see more people using it. Spread the

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