OK I just read some stuff about VI & Emacs. Now I'm not one for super complex editors of text. Having said that I realize it behooves me (Correct context for "behooves?" & sp!?) to learn one or the other so I can edit files on any system. I realized a while back those 2 editors are standard to Any *nix environment.

OK... so whats the real diff between those 2 editors & which one is more newb friendly? If neither is newbie friendly, well name something that is and is more or less standard on most *nix's. For the moment I'm leaning to Emacs b/c it is modeless & ergo less of a headache/more intuitive.


Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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