On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 11:32, FemmeFatale wrote:

> *giggles* Mike:  I'd love to say theres no flames cause I put my foot down 
> in the subject line.  I can't say that though cause this list really is 
> civil most days.
> And the ppl are great too! :)
> -------------
> FemmeFatale

...and HOW can you say that this list is civil? We have Canucks in here,
that isn't civil...(g)

(Tony the Tiger says "They're Great" - but he eats the Frosted Flakes.
I'd tend to reckon if someone was saying "They're Great" about us, well,
you can follow that logic...)

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(At the Mensa society meeting)

Lisa:   Now next week is our "state of the city" address. Has
        everyone finished their proposals.

CBG:    Well first of all I've a plan to eliminate obesity in

                They Saved Lisa's Brain (Episode AABF18)

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