On Wednesday 05 February 2003 09:36 pm, BCSoft wrote:
> Greetings,
> Having installed W98 and ML9 in a dual boot config I decided to try to
> install Knoppix as a third boot option. I used the script provided for the
> install and hoped Knoppix would recognize that another Linux system was
> present. It didn't. After the install I had a W98, Knoppix dual boot. To
> remedy the situation I booted to the ML9 install disk and chose the most
> minimal install option possible. I figured ML9 would see itself, Knoppix
> and W98 and make the appropriate Lilo entries. It didn't. So what I have
> now is a dual boot with W98 and a minimal ML9. My first ML install is still
> untouched (I used an unformatted, available partition for the minimal
> install) and the Knoppix install is still untouched I simply have no clue
> how to get to them. The goal is a ML Lilo menu with ML9, Knoppix and W98 on
> it. I would possibly like to add DOS 6.22 (for certain games) later. Any
> help is appriciated. tia
> Rich
There are two ways to solve this.....

One is to make a /boot partition common to Knoppix and ML9 and use the Boot 
configuratopr to ADD Knoppix after skipping bootloader installation during 

The second way it to use the / partition of your latest install which has a 
/boot directory....  and to follow the procedurte given here:


Yeah, the instructions are that old--you no longer need to drag the 
/lib/modules files if you ever did, but you do need to make the / partitions 
of the other systems visible long enough to copy over the kernel (vmlinuz) 
and the initrd.img  or more properly what they point to.

Happy motoring!!!


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