Arcana wrote:
> Jeremy Kersenbrock wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone here successfully installed and run ICQ for Java in Linux?  I can't
> > get it to install -- I follow the (few) instructions in it's INSTALL.TXT file
> > and only get a "too few arguments" error back.
> >
> > Yes, I have installed JDK (v 1.1.7).  I think I did it right, but Its install
> > instructions were even worse, so it might not be right.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.  The Mirabilis/ICQ people won't help since this
> > is a supposedly unsupported version of ICQ.
>         Have you ever considered some of the GNU ICQ clones for UNIX/Linux out
> there?  I haven't used one myself, but it seems that would be a better
> bet.  Although GNU stuff requires you to read a lot, at least people out
> there like to work on it, instead of leaving it in limbo like Mirabilis
> did for its Java ICQ.

Are you running Gnome?

If so try gnomeicu ( note u, not q ).

Works fine, I think it was an rpm.  Worked on the first try.


Coming to you with Linux-Mandrake 6.0

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