Trevor Rhodes wrote:


bootup, but now I'm actually got this urpmi udate on a cooker going, all
be it painfully
slow, as I don't seem able to get the wget part of it to reconnect after
my lousy isp has
cut me off for the umpteenth time, so I have to restart manually with
urpmi --auto-select wget -c , but as I say wget does not restart where
urpmi update left
off updating.

Can you tell me how you have configure the urpmi update? I have so many problems I'd like to get the fixed ones out of the road so I can get onto testing the rest of the beta.

I'm no expert here . I only did it just this once, and have actually
not accomplished all that I would like to do, you see when I started
updating all went fairly well , except that , as explained my isp keeps cutting
me off, and wget won't reconnect me to my mirror on it's own, so
it just hangs until I'm around to restart it myself. In time the mirror sites
packages change, well, almost on an hourly basis they change, and the
update that really needs to be accomplished in a reasonably smart time
scale becomes confused because the , what do we call it, the file that
contains the record of what to update , gets out of date. When I attempt
to remake this file it also cannot make sense of the situation. So I'm

But for what it's worth, I will send you my notes, numbers 1 to 6 are
the pertinent ones, but as I say please don't think they represent a
comprehensive knowledge of how to do it as they certainly are not.
I'm as much a beginner here as you.


John Richard Smith

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