Title: RE: [newbie] Kill under LM9.1 beta 2

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ronald J. Hall
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Kill under LM9.1 beta 2

On Friday 21 February 2003 07:41 am, Rob Lindsay wrote:
> Don't seem to be able to find the Kill icon that I'm used to having copied
> to the panel so that I can easily zap frozen applications.
> How do I set this up under 9.1?
> I know that I can CTL/ALT?F1-6 logon and ps -aux 'pipe' less/more and then
> kill by trial and error. This seems too complex!
> TIA,
> Rob

Rob, not sure about the 9.1 stuff, but normally you can:

<control> <alt> <escape>

and bring up the skull/deaths' head and zap whatever you want by clicking on
it. I alway remove the kill icon from my 9 and 12 yr olds comps (do you need
to ask why? <grin>) but still needed an easy way for me to stop things in
case they had problems. Works fine here... :-)


                                                         Dark< >Lord
Look on the K>applications>monitoring, don't know why they put it there but there it is. HTH
Dennis M.

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