On Sunday February 23 2003 12:00 am, David E. Fox wrote:
> > Well I don't know if its spyware but I certainly found mutella to
> > be much faster!!!
> Well does it use a Java runtime like Limewire?
> I use LimeWire sparingly -- just downloaded a more recent version.
> For me, sometimes I can get files fast, but that's few and far
> between, with long waits. I got one file in a few minutes, but
> another file of smaller length is taking over an hour, yet the
> connection spped was supposedly DSL. (I'm on a DSL connection,
> btw.) Other files sit waiting for a connection for what seems
> forever.
> I use it sparingly mostly because it really swamps my DSL
> connection with just a few files going out and one or two files
> coming in, maybe 4-6 connections at a time.
> > It does have a gui but I never set it up.
> gui is helpful but not strictly necessary. I've got an old gnut but
> last time I tried it couldn't find any files :(.

   I took the easy way out an installed a Mandrake gnutella client 
(gtk-gnutella-0.91.1-1plf rpm). Just start it and it works right out 
the box with default settings, tho it is highly configurable. Docs 
are sparse, but the GUI is fairly intuitive, and the tool tips for 
each setting are helpful, and give advice for optimum performance. 
I've never tried Limewire.

    Out of curiosity sparked by this thread, I d/l'd the mutella 
src.rpm. It won't build on current cooker 9.1, 'can't find 
readline.h', tho readline is installed. I know I could probly hack it 
to get it to build, but I didn't figure it was worth the hassle 
dealin with a 'not up to snuff for current Mandrake' app. Maybe 
somebody'll package it for Mandrake, but it appears to be just a fork 
from the already available and more mature gnutella clients anyhow.

   I also have DSL (1.5Mbit downlink). Gnutella traffic is heavy 
(stuff just being routed thru my IP), people can and have d/l'd lot's 
from me at around 10K/sec (128Kbit uplink).  Since last night I've 
been tryin to d/l a not so popular artist for a friend, about 20 
titles available. Seems the few that have them are on slow 
connections, or have 'em throttled down, or hops in between have 
their gnutella traffic throttled. I've gotten about half the files 
and the d/l rate is 1 to 3k/sec (slow ;)  A fresh search from time to 
time (automatic, configurable) shows the files are still on connected 
systems, but there are large (hours) gaps between gettin files d/l'd. 
Then I'll get several in short order, one at a time since they've 
always been from the same IP.

    Anyhow, with gtk-gnutella any of the loads, gnutella traffic 
(i/o), up loads, and down loads can be throttled separately. With 
everything wide open, there's very little bandwith left for anything 
else, throttled down, 5K/s Gnutella traffic both in & out, 5K/s 
upload, d/l wide open ... it's like gnutella's not even running. 
Plenty of DSL bandwidth left for me ;)  I'm servin up 12 gigs of 
mp3's, seems I give a heck of a lot more than I get ;)   If this 
artist was available on the binary newsgroups, I wouldn't even bother 
with gnutella.
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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