Dennis & Sue wrote:
On Sunday 02 March 2003 05:08 am, Robert Wideman wrote:

That is why i like MDK so much is
that they are a true company that is still giving their OS for free and we
can decide to purchase if we want to.  MDK might have money in the bank,

This isn't meant as an insult ,so don't take it that way. You sound like others I have "heard". Almost apologetic about the fact that some distros made a profit, or intend to.
As though they have somehow "soiled" the O.S. movement with money.
Profit is not a dirty word. It is a necessary thing in order to pay wages, build infrastructure, Do R & D, build a better company, Do advertising, Secure a future, etc.
It wouldn't bother me a bit if Mandrake had $40 billion in the bank, as it were. Provided they earned it honestly, And not through extortion, or other nefarious methods. Or engage in M$ tactics to further themselves among the other distros.
If the above came, or comes to pass. I would drop Mandrake faster than I dropped Microsoft.
Because Mandrake has an example of what not to do. It isn't right of M$ to do these things, Not because they are M$, But because this behaviour isn't morally justifiable.

Excellent post! It is the same point I have been trying to make for some time.

Everyone feels bad when Mandrake had to let go of key employees, but in turn hate it that Mandrake is looking for ways to generate a profit.

No profit = no employees = no distro

Your point on MS is also excellent. MDK is trying to find a way of generating a profit and still be true to OSF and FSF. I commend them on that, and is why I always buy a box version.

Now if they would get their shipping department in order, I would buy it directly from them...

-- Jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] Registered Mandrake, Redhat and SuSE user Don't make me come down there -God

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