On Fri 2003-03-07 at 17:03:31 -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Its all to do with the x. for a file it means the owner/group can execute
> that file. But for a directory, anybody in the group for that directory can
> delete any file in the root of that directory, even if the group permissions
> for that file say they can't.

Sorry, but that is wrong. The x bit for directories is about being
able access the content of a directory at all. The w bit determines
whether you may delete (or create) files within a directory. And for
completness' sake, the r bit controls whether you may list the

  # preparation
  newton:~> mkdir test
  newton:~> echo bar > test/foo
  newton:~> ls -ld test
  drwxrwx---    2 philemon philemon     4096 Mar  8 00:29 test
  newton:~> ls -l test
  total 4
  -rw-rw----    1 philemon philemon        4 Mar  8 00:29 foo

  # test what x does
  newton:~> chmod a-x test
  newton:~> ls test
  newton:~> cat test/foo
  cat: test/foo: Permission denied
  newton:~> cd test
  test: Permission denied.
  newton:~> touch test/foo2
  touch: cannot touch `test/foo2': Permission denied
  newton:~> chmod a+x test
  # summary: lack of x forbids any access except accessing list of contents

  # test for w
  newton:~> chmod a-w test
  newton:~> ls test
  newton:~> cat test/foo
  newton:~> cd test
  newton:~/test> cd ..
  newton:~> rm test/foo
  rm: cannot remove `test/foo': Permission denied
  newton:~> touch test/foo2
  touch: cannot touch `test/foo2': Permission denied
  newton:~> echo wah > test/foo2
  test/foo2: Permission denied.
  newton:~> echo wah > test/foo
  newton:~> cat test/foo
  newton:~> chmod a+w test
  # summary: lack of w forbids only deletion or creation of files, but
  # allows changing of existing ones

  # test for r
  newton:~> chmod a-r test
  newton:~> ls test
  ls: test: Permission denied
  newton:~> cat test/foo
  newton:~> cd test
  newton:~/test> cd ..
  newton:~> touch test/foo2
  newton:~> chmod a+r test
  newton:~> rm -rf test
  # summary: lack of r forbids listing the directories content, but
  # direct access to content still works

If you think about a directory as being a list of files and the
permissions working on that, at least the "r" and "w" behaviour is
intuitive at once:

 "r" tells if you are allowed to read the list of files (but nothing
     about accessing the files themselves);

 "w" tells if you are allowed to write to the list (creating/deleting
     files would change the list, but changing the content of existing
     files would not); and

 "x" can be thought of really being about what is contained in the
     directory, not the list of files (therefore looking at the list
     is still allowed, but nothing else).



PS: I did approach the issue from the side of "what happens if I take
    away that bit". Doing the tests when only one is set is left as an
    excersise for the reader. ;-)


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