On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 10:58, civileme wrote:

> > The names are:
> >
> > * dynamicProbing
> > * dynamicAdding
> > * dynamicProcessing
> >
> Well right-click on those icons and select properties and find out what you 
> can...  Also, look in ~/Desktop and look at the files and dump them at us.  
> That seems dumb enough that I really want to know.

When I "recreate" them, I'll blast 'em online to y'all; rather

> You are correct, kdm and gdm and even xdm have an overhead for starting apps 
> and it can be very heavy for the more recent ones who want to offer services 
> an experinced person like yourself does not need (cause you already know to 
> type "shutdown -h now" in a terminal to quit or  -r reboot to a different OS)

...or "reboot" ...or "poweroff"....(have my druthers to login from a
console anyways - better for troubleshooting and mucking around with
stuff...keeps the wife and kids away when they see a console login as

> I made a little convenience program for those who like to start in runlevel 3 
> and login there then use a window manager....  it is called Xtart and it is 
> but a few lines of Python code.  It should be available under 9.0.  
> urpmi Xtart
> should fetch it
...been using it since I started mucking around with MDK 9.0 - couldn't
live without it (well, I could, but life would be so much more boring).

> Using Xtart and appropriate files placed in /etc/X11/wmsession.d you can 
> nominate other programs for WM status.  I have used emacs for that, and it is 
> interesting, almost as amusing as emacs for a shell.

...speaking of which, just using xterm is rather interesting - and even
found a great wm called "screen" which is just that - a screen - console
screen - but you can have unlimited screens (for those that LOVE to be
in the console)- ditto with RatPoison...yet another cool low resource
wm...(going to try to get OpenLook Virtual Window Manager working on
here as well - can't seem to live on a computer without it -

Sat Mar 15 11:45:01 EST 2003
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 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
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Than cry with the saints,
The sinners are much more fun!
                -- Billy Joel, "Only The Good Die Young"

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