Stephen Kuhn said:
> Had to, HAD to pass this on - you'd reckon that the US government
> agencies would have THOUGHT enough after the "Slapper" hit the SQL
> servers world-wide...and since most agencies are migrating their
> webservers to either unix or linux...gads - how dumb...

Personall I didn't think this was very funny at all.  And on the
contrary most federal agencies are not migrating to Linux or Unix.
While some agencies have received waivers to migrate from Windows to
Linux or Unix in specific situations, the vast majority of governmental
systems continue and will remain on Windows.  But then those agencies
with waivers are still running Windows on the desktop, the waivers are
for things like web and mail servers.  The US Navy is in the midst of
spending $6 billion dollars on migrating the entire shore-based
enterprise to Windows 2000 for instance (I'm involved in that process

But I agree that MS security really sucks.  While I have to use Windows
here at work (Military), I don't use it at home.  I'm all Linux
(Mandrake as a matter of fact) and my four servers run Mandrake linux as
well.  Part of the problem is that security of the enterprises (each
branch has there own) is handled in a hap hazard approach because they
were designed piece-meal.  The military, and the rest of the federal
government, as a whole is working toward correcting that problem but
it's certainly not going to happen over night.

But this type of hacking is not funny, particularly now when our forces
are getting ready to head into harms way.  The server(s) that were
hacked have not been identified as far as I've been able to tell, but one
can only hope it or they, weren't any really important system.

Anthony Abby
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